Dear Elaine,
I am working in a restaurant for the past 6 years. It is a busy well known restaurant and there are 15 other employees. I get on well with all staff apart from my manager who joined the restaurant 2 years ago. He is making my life hell. He is constantly running me down in front of other staff members and last week passed a comment on my weight which really upset me. I am constantly on edge when I am around him. I do not want to quit my job as I get on well with the other staff, the pay is decent and the hours are flexible. The other staff have noticed the comments but their advice is to put my head down and just get on with it. My confidence is taking a real bashing and I am starting to dread going to work. What can I do?
Bullying in the work place is, unfortunately, becoming increasingly common. In legal terms, bullying is defined as repeated inappropriate behaviour that undermines your right to dignity at work. It is important to note that bulling is not one isolated incident, it is a series of prolonged acts over a period of time. If you feel that you are being bullied, you should bring this to the attention of your employer. Employment equality legislation places an obligation on all employers to take actions and adopt procedures to prevent harassment in the workplace. Your employer should have an anti-bullying policy and a complaints procedure in place. Some employers are better than others when it comes to dealing with complaints of this nature but, if you feel that your employer has not addressed your complaint, you can make a complaint to the Workplace Relations Commission. For more information you can consult a solicitor or contact FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centre) on 1890 350 250. FLAC offer legal information over the phone however if your query is more complex, they will direct you to your local free legal advice clinic, where you can talk face-to-face with a solicitor or barrister.